God of War (Legacy of Gods, #6) (2024)

This book is the reason why I have trust issues.

Deception trilogy from shein didn’t make it Sorry to pop your bubble.
King men die. Volkov men rise up.
May their sins burn them alive amen.
Except Creighton and Brandon please those are my babies.

2 years of waiting.
2 f*cking years.
Went in absolutely f*ck all.

Rina Kent everybody.
The queen of disappointments.

Landon king : I have 99 problems, but popularity is not one of them.

Rina Kent: I have 99 problems, but boring books is not one of them.

why was this boring ma’am? While I hated every single one of her books except for (empire of sin / deception trilogy / god of pain / god of wrath) I’m rarely bored, All the books that I hated? I ate them up in a few hours so Imagine my surprise when it took me a FULL DAY to finish this!!! I’m a fast reader so that’s a lot for me, I thought that God Of Ruin was her most boring book. And Don’t get me wrong it is. But god of war can give it a run for its money.

I kid you not when I tell you that I went out with my sisters to my comfort restaurant, ate pasta and ice cream Just so I can have a little energy to face this disaster. I was looking at that 70% mark with tears in my eyes, I put the book down so many time and just sigh, I wanted it to be over. And I wanted it to be over now, The thing is, The book started off strong, Ava being a baddie, Eli being hot. she kept being stubborn, spent his money, broke his Bugatti. Not listening to him. I was like f*ck yeah! this book gonna eat and It did.
It ate my brain cells.

God of War (Legacy of Gods, #6) (1)

Where was the issue? Eli being bland as f*ck for starters, I seriously thought that I’ll be stunned with THE ELI KING even tho despise all the kings.
Jonathan ✅
Levi ✅
Astrid ✅
Aiden ✅
Elsa ✅
Glyndon ✅
Landon ✅
Not Brandon and Creighton I love them so much And since I loved cray cray I thought that I’ll love his brother as well, Not just because of that But because I also hated/dislike nearly all the siblings in the Rinaverse Let’s go through them:

Astrid x Nicole = let’s hope Astrid die.
Elsa x Teal x knox = boring.
Aurora x Alicia = tainted.
Jonathan x James = they hate each other.
Asher x Arianna = let’s not talk about it.
Reina x Rai = jealousy at first until they grew up.
Naomi x mio = barley there.
Kirill x Konstantin x Karina = pfft
Killian x Gareth = are they even brothers?
Glyndon x Brandon x Landon = messy at best.
Ava x Arielle = cute.
Nikolai x maya x Mia = great until rina’s misogyny showed.
Xander x Kim = okay I’m joking

I only loved Jeremy and Annika and I consider them the superior siblings with cray and Eli So since I loved GOP and GOW, the volkov siblings books with cray? I realy thought I would love Eli since he’s a part of the only siblings I loved, But of course i didn’t because God forbid rina make me happy.

—Writing was horrible. And let’s talk about it.
The people who read the entire Rinaverse, is it just me or did the writing drastically changed from the all the previous books and LOG? It feels like another author wrote LOG. And while the previous was bad, fast paced and require no brain cells? I enjoyed it. This BS however? No. It’s insufferable that she’s trying to sound poetic. And especially in GOR when she threw every word in the dictionary just to make Landon sound smart.
Spoiler alert.
He’s not.

“I’m extremely conscious of his presence.
Like a parasite. Or, more accurately, a high-tech security camera where I’m the sole focus”

Girl how does a presence feel like a security camera? The way she’s trying to make sh*t sound deep is hilarious.

“Tall, dark, masculine, and smells like mysterious cloudy nights.”

You know damn well that mysterious cloudy nights doesn’t have a smell.

And don’t get me started on how Ava bumped into a wall. Sorry I mean a chest and it’s Eli, The last time I read that was in wattpad, I lied. It was in one of RK books But you get the point.

the overuses of the word “alien” in Ava’s pov.
She’s described every emotion she went through as “alien” RK just wanna sound different atp but thankfully she didn’t drag religion and used “Mecca” as a feeling like she did in the previous LOG books!! Ava being an alien Lead to another problem. This whole f*cking shenanigans of making Ava 2.0 of Alicia and Helen and Abigail. Rina really, I mean really should stop making complexes FOR EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER IT . IS . NOT . OKAY. It’s boring, repetitive, tedious, stupid.
And oh! Very much laughable.

I called it months ago when I said this will be silver and Cole 2.0 But OGs were better.

The fact that ava love Elsa like silver loved Helen.
The fact that Ava promised Eli her firsts.
The fact that both ruin every relationship the other gets into just like silver and Cole did in high school.
But not just that, she also was inspired by Jonathan and Aiden when they both had woman with mental illnesses. Or the fact that Cole told silver he’s scared Ava will turn like Helen just like Asher told Reina he’s scared killian will turn like Arianna. But for her to make them the cheap ass copy of ADRIAN AND LIA? Stop this madness cuz no one will ever compare to them. Rina 1000% believe that her books are meaningless and forgettable because she copy paste every single one.

Deception + Ruthless empire + lies and truths = GOW

For the babes who say (omg I love Aiden) (no Jonathan is better) (no guys it’s Kyle) (it’s acc kirill) Y’all are thrusting over the same f*cking men, Tell me one trait that differ rina’s MMCs from each other? I challenge you. I dare you. You wouldn’t Because They are all the same, And honestly I wouldn’t expect creativity from an author who publish this much books a year:
2019 / 9 — 2020 / 12 — 2021 / 8 — 2022 / 6 — 2023 / 5.

Same goes to FMCs bc she only write stupid, doormat, weak, personality-less, blonde, virgin girls.
Only 6 girls in her universe are brunettes, every single one is blonde. Even cecy who is a Burnett have been dyeing her hair silver all her life. And as for the virgin part? I’m going to throw myself from a cliff, Out of 20 FMCs only 6 are non-virgins.
I need you to keep rereading it to process the f*ckery.
Every single girl is a virgin. You know why? Bc they are powerful men and they need pure, innocent, and inexperienced girls, while her men are the epitome of manwhor*s. They f*cked everything and everyone. Every object. Every gender. Probably even animals While the girls are always clueless.

It got to point where even those 6 non-virgin girls half of them have never org*smed before they meet their respective MMC, I’m not joking. It’s either she’s a virgin or she’s not virgin but never org*smed bc of the power of RK men, like when teal came for the first time just bc Ronan touched her her nipples or when Aurora at the age of 27 never org*smed before except when Jonathan spanked her. I’m sorry for being this specific guys it’s just that this BS IS getting getting under my skin.

So Ava is your typical type of a RK girl, Our fears came true and she is a virgin, she also needs a good slap on the face after all those “prude” comments she made about cecy while being one herself, I saw a review once where someone said this series should me named (legacy of virgins) and I couldn’t agree more! But here's the issue, it’s not just LOG but the entire universe.

She kept getting in so many rocks with her career with cello. Why? Bc she’s a girl, Of course she will struggle and she will have problems, and she will be weak and walk out of stage bc of panic attacks while her men are always strong and work under pressure, the same way she made Brandon and Landon so talented but not Glyn, the same way she made kirill and konstantine powerful but their sister was insane, just like when Rai couldn’t be pakhan. Reason? Bc she’s a women (not my words! Kirill’s. which is the author’s) She always make girls face so many issues with their work but her MMCs do wonders even while facing the worst, she just despise women. And she didn’t stop there. Ava want children and That’s cool. But it’s not cool when you repeat this sh*t a thousand f*cking time, Her whole purpose was wanting children, I don’t have a problem with a character wanting kids, but I f*cking hate it when you force it one me every chapter.

Ava reminded me of (Gwen) you can see my empire of desire review. Gwen is basically my least favorite FMC by Rina Kent. And while Ava was diff from her she reminded me of the brat behavior that Gwen had. When will authors understand that they can write a spoiled/sunshiny FMC but make her strong at the same time? Ava embodied the brat FMC type in an overwhelmingly annoying manner. Her attempts at making us believe she’s 'badass' were hilarious. The introduction of amnesia and mental illness seems more like a convenient excuse to gather sympathy rather than genuine character development. She kept Associating herself with bad-influence people while being aware of it and than wonder why Eli and Jermey said she’s acting like a kid depending on cecy all her life.

Ava in the blurb: “I set out to investigate how I landed myself into this marriage”
Ava meanwhile: “eat candy/ play dress up/ read novels/ watch movies/ get Eli jealous”

she miserably failed to exhibit any growth or responsibility, she showed just little regard for those who express concern for her well-being. And while I do acknowledge her mental illness, it does not justify her recklessness or childish acts. And I’m so so sick and tired of the plot where the FMC suffer her entire life until she meet the MMC and he heals her magically with the power of “sex” and “love”, this stupid trope happened with Glyn / cecy / Mia and now Ava. And that’s me only talking about second gen.
First gen you ask? You got it 😍 same BS happened with Astrid / Elsa / Kim / teal / silver / Reina / Naomi / Gwen / Nicole. They all suffered mentally until them met the MMC. And talking about suffering mentally isn’t she tired of writing suicidal characters? Kim, Reina, Gwen, Glyn, bran, Lia and now Ava?!!!

I also have beef with the blurb, You see Rina love to put things in the blurb that never happen in the book. Why you ask? I’m still trying to figure it out. It happened a lot, an example at the top of my head was in GOP. And while I love that book, it’s actually my second favorite in LOG, I hated that in the blurb Annika said (i’m Creighton‘s worst enemy) now a lot of people will believe it’s enemies to lovers but it wasn’t at all, Another one in GOR (If he hits, I hit back, twice as hard and with the same hostility) No Mia. You were a weak mouse just like Landon love to call you.

In the blurb of GOW rina made it sound like Ava will hurt Eli back or something, and not just that but Ava kept repeating it in the book.

“I’ll get revenge and destroy your life”

“I’m going to unleash all hell loose on the bastard”

“she will be so proud of me when I bring this prick down in an epic revenge comeback”

Is the revenge in the room with us?
Where the f*ck did she do something bad to him? And please don’t say the stabbing bc that was one of her mental episodes and before she set her sights on revenge (the revenge that didn’t happen btw)

Thank you for the laughs rina Kent.

Eli “parasite” king. (Thank you Cole for the nickname I knew you were my fav from RE)

Eli Was something 😅

Would you believe me if I said that this motherf*cker was more boring than Landon and Asher and nate? Because believe it or not For me he was. And that’s like the worst thing I could say bc as much I hated her other MMCs those three are on a pedestal of my hatred but now they got competition, Even Aiden and Jonathan who I loath held me more than Eli.

character development? Who? I don’t know her. he falls flat, offering only a superficial glimpse into his personality. Lacking depth and complexity, he failed to captivate me even a little, With a personality that barely scratches the surface, he is a forgettable presence to the narrative, dimming the overall story. Eli managing king and steel corporation? Such a good fun joke, all he did is being emo/ growl that Ava is his/ tell her that she’s dressing like a “stripper” or “begging for attention”

He gets pointers for not calling Ava a “hole” tho, bc every single previous MMC called his partner “hole” / “f*ck toy” / or my personal favorite “little cum bucket” But don’t worry he didn’t leave me bothered bc he called his previous sex partners a hole, god bless him for a second I almost called the imposter police.

“They were all a commodity and faceless holes willing to be used.”

Eli obviously like the rest of them have a black soul that’s as cold as his office and he can’t feel and he’s a sociopath on the spectrum, he’s really scary guys. 😫

Guys fun fact about me is that I’m a CS student, but in my free time I always learn about psychology, Like straight up obsessed with it, And let’s just say RK’s image of psychopaths/sociopaths doesn’t do them justice. Not even surface justice.
I bet she googles (signs of psychopathic children) and she saw that one of them is torturing animals and she applied that sh*t to killian and Eli and lan, bc they caught mice and wanted to see inside it, I hoped them rusty kids got the plague and died from it, I hit a bird and buried it when I was 10.
Am I a psychopath? No. I’m quite an angel actually.
But Rina Kent, sister dearest I want you to know that APD runs deeper than that. Way much deeper than that.

I rarely to never write reviews anymore so I’m letting my frustration out in this one so Why the f*ck it was pushed down my f*cking throat that killian / Eli / Landon were on the spectrum? Why on the motherf*cking f*ck? I’m not going to speak about that greasy killian and Landon or (sewer rat) as I like to call him, I’m going to talk about Eli.

Did Eli did something crazy in here? Did I read the wrong book? Where was the guy on the spectrum that everybody talked about? Where was the mysterious guy that even his family know nothing about him? Where was the unhinged behavior that psychopaths *snort* should have?
Unseasoned co*ck.
That’s what he is.

Or the BS where he don’t eat anywhere bc he was poisoned when he was a child? Am I supposed to believe that? 💀 like even the royal family didn’t get targeted and you did? But ohhhh I’m sorry they are the KING FAMILY that one that’s even more wealthy than the royal family. That one that can access information even the mafia couldn’t. rina Kent man, She’s so damn funny. 😂

Can we talk about how “Mrs king” was so hot but became insufferable bc Eli said it like a million times in each chapter?

Now comes the relationship:
The relationship between Eli and Ava is dull. They were uninteresting both individually and as a couple, lacking any real chemistry or excitement. Their constant on-off dynamic is tiresome, Ava's attempts to get him jealous through flirting with other men is so damn repetitive. Even their sex scenes failed to ignite any passion, I bet some couple in the fifties had more freaky nights than them. Why was the smut so lame and vanilla when this book is labeled as dark romance? I kid you not I skimmed the smut from how boring it was. Praise kink she said? Where?when??? God of war continues to be just like the rest with a weak girl, brooding MMC who say they’re enemies But f*ck and fall in love within the 30% mark.

Now comes the plot:
I really thought it was going to be something big Because Rina loves her twisted plot twists, and especially when ava saw Helen. i though that what if Helen never died? And she came back for Ava bc she look like silver? I’m sure y’all know why if you’ve read ruthless empire. bc Why mention Helen when it was just a hallucination? It was so random to point of stupidity. I also thought that maybe Ava’s guy friends did something. but to give me THAT???? THAT PLOT OF NOTHING?? It was the lamest plot rina have ever wrote, I can’t believe the words as I type them It’s so messy and it seemed she threw it in just to be like “Eli killed for ava” I also couldn’t believe my eyes that Eli is the villain of the book and not a woman!!! I’m really really shocked. Rina have 21 couples and 14 of the couples in their stories the villain is a woman, No I’m not kidding.

And now comes the weak fake ass bitch friend Glyn.
I knew Glyn don’t like the girls from her book, it’s common sense atp. But I couldn’t believe that she didn’t help Ava with even one word, Plz jump off a cliff with your greasy man thank you very much.

*added to the list of the endless Ruined female friendships in the Rinaverse*

Thank you cecy for being the angle that you are mwah, now I’m mad at Jermey for making fun of Ava in god of wrath. Jermey should f*ck me, I mean should f*ck off 👀 oops can’t help myself.

Since i Talked about Glyn let’s mention the sewers rat, sorry I mean Landon. Motherf*cker you’re not funny, you’re not smart or godly or a genius. You’re an insufferable joke, every time he appeared I wanted to beat him up. Moron.
Rina is so so obsessed with the king men…

rina gets also another few points for not ruining Ava and ari.
I fully expected her to ruin it since ari knew things but didn’t tell her, I was afraid another maya situation will happen, Im pretty sure who’s i’d stand with since I’m a maya sokolov lover.

"I'm high maintenance."
"Just the way I like it."
"I have extremely expensive tastes."
"Good thing I come from old money and I'm rich enough to outshine a few countries' GDP"
"I'II drive you crazy."
"Nothing new there.”

This scene was hot but Why did she copy that scene from the sweetest oblivion? Eli and Ava will never beat the grumpy Nico with his pink princess Elena 🎀

I know I’m trying to be sarcastic but it really hurts guys, I started the whole rinaverse for this f*cking book, i waited for two years!! I thought that god of ruin / god of fury were the most disappointing but this is a whole new league

Hd footage of me:

God of War (Legacy of Gods, #6) (2)

And now I know for a fact that she will ruin Damien and mio.
My babies.
My loves.

God of War (Legacy of Gods, #6) (3)

A horrible ending to her universe if you ask me The book didn’t feel like a part of LOG at all, I thought we’ll get more crumps of the first gen since it’s the last time we’ll see them, or maybe the kids of the empire series, she also continued with not giving us even one sapphic story, I shouldn’t be surprised since she hate woman 😅 or the fact that there’s no POC at all, I only liked these cute cameos with crayAnnika/ jercecy.
Bc why should I look at the filled part of the cup? My earliest memory is me holding into a grudge so I’ll continue my slay lifestyle. And now depressed as well.

Annika being a princess:
God of War (Legacy of Gods, #6) (4)

LOG couple raking:
1- Jermeycecy
2- CreightonAnnika
3- KillianGlyn
4- EliAva
5- Nikobran
6- LandonMia

Ps- I only loved GOWRATH/GOP and Hated the rest, some are above the others just bc of the disappointment level.

thankfully her next book is in 2025 so I have time to heal my ptsd.

God of War (Legacy of Gods, #6) (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.