Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share (2024)


❝ The only thing between you and greatness is yourself ❞ — Stoatkit


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table of contents
i. toc ✫
ii. introduction
iii. about me
iv. my roleplaying
v. the kit
vi. other
vii. conclusion
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❒ introduction
Hello and greetings ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls and of course those who go beyond the binary. Welcome to my Stoatkit application!! I hope you’re all doing well today and are as hyped as I am for this wonderful litter. I hope you enjoy reading my application. If you are familiar with my account, you might have seen that I posted applications to quite a few litters before this one. Some kits I loved and didn’t win and others didn’t last long enough to go to the closing date but when I saw Stoat, I just looked at her and said, “Omg, what a cutie” and instantly had tons of ideas. I love this guy so so much and if you asked any of my friends, they would testify that my rambling was constant! I knew that this was the one and thought to myself, I’m going to make such an amazing litter application so I can win the goober. Some don’t believe in love at first sight but Stoat’s this was the case!


. about me

❒ basics
username – My username is –Skythrill–
pronouns & gender – she/her ❀ Female
nickname(s) – I don’t mind too much what you call me once, it’s not mean or anything. Most call me Sky because it’s the first half of my username but I had a few call me thrill so feel free to call me whatever you’d like!

❒ who am i?
I feel you all waiting for more. I ask everyone to hold the applause till I finish, I know I’m amazing but I don’t like being interrupted/jjj. * Stands in front of a golden microphone with little sequins and begins talking *
So what might everyone like to know about me, let’s open this to questions from the audience!
“What do you do in your free time?” says the blonde Iady in the back.
“Good question, I spend a lot of time drawing, writing, doing schoolwork and of course role playing. I loved drawing when I was little. I was looking around the other day and I found an old sketchbook with a picture of a raccoon I drew, his name was Paul. What a cute lil guy! As I got older I began not drawing as much but at the later half of last year I got really into it again and now drawing makes me really happy. Writing went down the same path as drawing except I never stopped loving that. I always enjoyed writing stories and diary entries and little books. It was always so fun. Schoolwork is something I am forced to do, like the average teenager. Not much to say about that. Role Playing is something I started at the end of last year and I love that too. I’ll circle back to that in the experience section later on! Next question!!” I say with enthusiasm.
“What do you do on scratch” says the handsome Italian man in the front eating a slice of pizza.
“I do a bunch of stuff! I apply to litters for various rps,and I do OTA payments, I’ve recently been trying to get into DTAs. I sometimes do fanart for litters! I also take off on a private jet when I feel drama approaching. Jokes aside, I always try to be a kind and polite person and not get engaged in drama. I like to keep my profile a safe space for people to talk to me no matter who you are!”

. my roleplaying

❒ have i read the rules?
Yes! I once saw an ice cream made of Brussel sprouts. You would need a strong spirit to eat that! (Other one is in about me!)

❒ roleplaying experience:
Okay, if you asked me this at the beginning of the year I would have said nonexistent. But I’m glad to say that I have a good bit of experience that I earned over the last couple of months. So my first roleplay baby is Bluejaydive. She’s part of the Generation's roleplay and holds a special place in my heart. Recently, she died at around 40-50 moons as I saw another kitty I really loved called Chirpkit
Next, we have the most recent edition to the family, the one and only Kuni. She’s my first TFCRP character and she’s a kittypet. Feel free to stop by her bio and have nose: I could ramble about this girl for hours but at the end of the day this application is all about Stoatkit.
I also wrote stories from an early age. Creative writing was always something I enjoyed. I write stories about practically anything and everything from mythical creatures to the real ones and from humans to princesses. But ever since I got into warrior cats, that’s my most common topic.

❒ activity
Moving on to activity levels, at the moment I have a little (trying to make myself feel better, it’s actually quite significant) addiction to scratch. I check it often by often I mean pretty much whenever there’s a free moment. I would rate my activity a solid 8/10. I marked myself down to one to make it seem genuine and two because like everyone I have busy days, life is sometimes harder on some days than others but I do try my best to log on and check notifications and reply to roleplays at least twice a day.

❒ writing style, roleplay length and other important things
My writing style is pretty developed and fun. I try not to be too formal, as I think it’s nice to be able to connect with people, but I also don’t want to run wild, though I do get quite excited sometimes. As for roleplay length, my replies are almost always two comments long as I hate doing short replies and leaving the other person struggling on what to write. (Happened to me before- it isn’t fun)

❒ longevity

Okay well.. As much as I would love that, the mods may not allow it and I don’t think I will be alive for a millennium unfortunately. Though I will keep Stoat for as long as I possibly can (From cradle to grave) (Until death do we part). Alright enough of the morbid sayings, as you can probably tell I will keep her for a long while. Maybe even 100 moons, but we’ll see.

❒ character harm
A little bit of a controversial topic, but I believe that I will only harm Stoat severely unless it is completely necessary for his character development. If I feel her character could benefit from a battle wound, I will give him a couple, but nothing excessive for my baby girl.

. the kit

❒ what kitten are you applying for?

❒ why do you want this kit?
The real question would be, why wouldn’t you want this kit? But I feel no one would know the answer.
The first reason that I want him is that he’s gorgeous, I mean look at the bean. @puddleguppies really did a fantastic job designing these babies. I would draw like a trillion pictures of her, but other than her beauty, I would like him because when I saw him I felt an instant connection to him that doesn’t happen often for me. Every time I look at her, I have more ideas and the more I look at her, and write this application, the more I love her. Another reason is because she’s part of Shadowclan, in my opinion it is one of the best clans in TFCRP. If I won, I would love developing her personality which relates a lot to my own. I also would adore an opportunity to roleplay with this kitty as it’s a clan cat. I have a kittypet in my first slot, and as great as kittypets are, I think it would be the perfect ratio if you had one kittypet and one clan cat.

❒ kit's identity
gender – Female
pronouns – Bigender, uses both he/she pronouns.
ex: // she flicked their tail impatiently, quietly awaiting the arrival of his companion
romantic orientation – Pansexual

❒ personality


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. personality types
✭ mbti: The Creator
✫ alignment: Chaotic Neutral

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. trait List
note // some of these traits may fade, disappear, reappear, become more prominent, or appear as they age

( + ) Empathetic , Kind, Funny, Dreamer, Creative, Intelligent
( = ) Shy ,Honest, Philosophical, Reserved, Sarcastic, Anxious
( - ) Pessimistic, Lazy, Judgmental, cowardly , impatient , Goody-Goody

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. expanded traits
/Note that all definitions are from Google dictionary in this section/

Empathetic – showing an ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
Kind – of a good or benevolent nature or disposition, as a person
Funny– causing laughter or amusem*nt; humorous.
Dreamer – one who lives in a world of fancy and imagination
Creative – relating to or involving the use of the imagination or original ideas to create something.
Intelligent – having or showing intelligence, especially of a high level.

Quiet – doesn’t say much in the company of new people.
Honest – free of deceit; truthful and sincere.
Philosophical– relating or devoted to the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence
Reserved – slow to reveal emotion or opinions.
Sarcastic – marked by or given to using irony in order to mock or convey contempt.
Introverted-a shy, reticent person.

Pessimistic– the state of mind of someone who always expects the worst
Lazy – unwilling to work or use energy.
Judgmental – a negative word to describe someone who often rushes to judgement without reason.
Arrogant – having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities.
Selfish – lacking consideration for other people; concerned chiefly with one's own personal profit or pleasure.
Goody Goody – a smug or ostentatiously virtuous person.

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. short description / summary
Stoat always tries her best to understand what others are feeling. If others cry, she is likely to burst into tears too. This would make her empathetic. She believes in the saying, “What goes around comes around,” or in other words: karma. She has strong opinions of bullies and would never let herself become one, she instead tries to be kind to whoever talks to her. She is naturally funny, always saying the first thing that comes to mind and being very honest. She enjoys having a good laugh. Some of her jokes are quite sarcastic but generally don't mean any harm. Though she is very intelligent, she enjoys daydreaming and thinking of all the possibilities of life. She is a very quiet girl, and finds it hard to make friends, although if they are patient with she, she will stick with them till the end. She is quite judgy and often sits back and just looks at people from afar and judges them for no particular reason. She is always trying his best and will always strive to be the best in the clan.

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. detailed personality
Empathetic: – Stoatkit always has a good idea how others are feeling. Even when they are trying to hide it, she’s able to tell. She sometimes feels the need to invade others' problems to fix them but only would do this if she deeply cares about them. If others don’t open up to her, she deems that fair as she doesn’t enjoy talking about feelings herself but if he thinks something is wrong, she’ll keep a close eye on you and be there for you if you need her.

Kind – This leads us on to his second trait, kindness. Though Stoat always tries her best to be respectful, I don’t believe you feel this through thoughtfulness and hear her kind words until you get to know him. She is a cat who will always have your back and watch out for you no matter what. She wouldn’t leave you for anything and will always drag you back a mouse from the fresh kill pile. Beneath Stoat’s shy nature is a friend for life.

Funny – Moving on, some of the things Stoat says are hilarious, and what’s even funnier is she doesn’t mean it. She is always ready with a snappy response and although it may be annoying at the time, you will sit back and laugh afterwards.

Dreamer – Stoat is a big daydreamer, he’s always thinking about his own little fantasies. You will often find her making up his own little stories about creatures she makes up herself . She will have an imaginary friend during his kithood, who he will share everything with, stuff he wouldn’t dream about saying in real life. Stoat will spend some days in a den sitting in the corner with only the company of his own thoughts.

Creative – I suppose this ties in with his dreamer trait, so I don’t have that much to say in that regard. Anyways, Stoat is a very creative cat always thinking about all the possible solutions. She believes in the phrase “The right way isn’t the only way.” He is quite determined so he will search till he finds a solution to problems.

Intelligent – Stoat is extremely intelligent and a very quick learner. His aim is to be the best apprentice in ShadowClan. She loves learning new things and gets upset and frustrated when he’s bored, and ends up searching for something that could help her learn and grow more.

Shy – Although Stoat is kind when you get to know her, there is quite a bit of awkwardness before then. When others who she doesn’t know talks to him, she gets a little stressed and crawls into a little ball of quietness. After a while, she will get to know you and slowly open up to you. This will take a while as she has pretty tough walls. She tries her best to be kind to you even if you don’t know her.

Honest – Stoat doesn't believe in lies, she wonders what the point of them are. Why would you bother protecting someone's feelings in the short run, when most likely they're going to find out anyway. It’s just going to cause more upset on the long road. ‘Honesty is the best policy’ is a quote she stands by. She gets very annoyed when other cats lie to him and even if it is bad news it hurts him when others don’t trust him enough to decide his own reaction.

Philosophical – Stoat is always thinking about the bigger questions. She thinks about it so much that her belief in Starclan will fade as she grows older. This is because she doesn’t think there is any logic behind it. She will believe it is more realistic to believe ‘when you die, you're dead. You’re not a ghost, you’re not watching over people from the sky, it's merely a black hole to nowhere.’

Reserved – Stoat is slow to reveal his emotions, even to those close to them. She thinks it's simply none of their business and a waste of their time to think about her and her problems. This will result in a little bit of anxiousness, as it is all bottled up. She doesn’t show his emotions as she doesnt think there is any point. Whatever others say isn’t going to change his mind about how she really feels. If anything it will make it worse.

Sarcastic – If Stoat is annoyed or bothered by someone, she will most likely say a sarcastic remark and play with their words to make them suit her. She also does this to be funny, sometimes he has a tendency to take the joke a little too far. She thinks the saying ‘Don't dish it out, if you can’t take it back’ is great. It means you shouldn't joke about others if you can't take it yourself. She will only do this to close friends or family, and cats that are mean.

Introverted: Stoat will keep to himself until she feels he knows you quite well. She is slow to open up and fully let down his walls but once he does she’s really loyal and will stick by your side no matter what. She would prefer to be in camp by himself rather than go to gatherings but, as she wants to be the best, she goes to see the leaders speak and better himself.

Pessimistic – Stoat struggles with the idea of getting up every morning and always thinking of the positive. She can't help thinking of what could go wrong. Shwworks at this sometimes and tries to tell herself that it will all work out in the end. Though Deep down, she is always thinking about things that might go wrong. This leads to her taking little risks.

Lazy – Stoat is a lazy boy. Sheloves her sleep and you will often see him having naps around the territory. Though she is lazy, she will always try to be the best and generally will avoid taking shortcuts when it comes to training. She is also lazy when it comes to playing games with the other kits. He will find games such as mossball, boring and understimulating.

Judgemental – Stoat is quite judgemental and she expects everyone to be as great as she believes she is. She won’t often say it out loud but he will be thinking about others flaws in his head. She analyses everyone around him closely. This comes from a place of insecurity deep down. She feels better about his own faults if he notices that others have problems as well.

Cowardly – Stoat avoids taking risks and wont do something that she thinks will result in injury. She tries to flee dangerous situations. She isn't scared of some things though including standing up to others and sometimes breaking the rules. She will tell his friends and family no if they're asking him to do something that he thinks might be quite dangerous.

Impatient – Stoat doesn't like things taking too long and will start to get annoyed at people if they're moving at a slow pace. She thinks that everything should be done super fast. When asked to do something, she does it fast but also accurately. She gets anxious when waiting for news for a long time aswell.

Goody- Goody – Stoat is always trying to be the best out of the apprentices. He sometimes sucks up to the leader, and her future mentor. He is like the teacher's pet in school. {Not sure if this is a good, bad or neutral trait, obviously being the teacher's pet isn’t necessarily a bad thing. This isn’t meant to offend, I was a teacher's pet in school}

❒ trivia
➣ favorites:
• prey - “Hmm, So many choices and no way to make an educated decision. I suppose for the sake of the question, I’ll say squirrels”
– color - “I like the colour blue, i feel it is the colour that represents me”
• favourite time of day - “I feel the same about the whole day”
– Favourite weather condition - “I think my favourite is rain, the way it bounces off the floor and the sound it makes is so peaceful.”
• flower - “My favourite flowers are orchids and worst flowers are the dead ones”
– location - “The best place is a nest, and I think the worst place is being in crowds.”
➣ habits
– “I like hunting, as it helps the clan.”
• “I enjoy sleeping, as it’s the perfect way to enter the world of dreams.”
➣ beliefs
religion – “I don’t know, it seems a lot of cats believe in starclan but that could simply be no more than a myth.”
their clan – “The clan with the most wisdom, Shadowclan.”
their leader – “Nimbus’star, she leads this clan to greatness.”
the warrior code – “A bunch of rules I don’t care for.”
➣ reactions
Note// this was loosely inspired by @.meowsnow! go follow them!
• to being told “i love you” - “Excuse me, Don’t be silly. You wouldn't love me.”
– to danger - “This is not ideal, but the best of us will make it.”
• to negative emotions from other cats - “Are you alright, you’re amazing, be happy!”
– to their own negative emotions - “I’m okay, don’t worry about me.”
• to his success - “I’m not surprised, I always thought I was destined for greatness.”

➣ miscellaneous trivia

hogwarts house - “The things that that the two-legs come up with these days. Is about warts?”
scent - “I smell like eucalyptus.”
average wake-up time - “I wake up at sunhigh but I relax in the moss for a bit before properly rising.”
average bedtime time - “I go to bed at the early hours of sundown, the more sleep, the more knowledge.”
red flags - “I think being stupid is a huge red flag, also being very loud.”
favourite gemstone - “None other than black tourmaline”
favourite scent - “Moss, it reminds me of the safety of my nest.”
least favourite scent - “The dirt place”
element (earth, fire, water, air) - “Earth, because everyone is so standard, including me.”
fears / phobias - “I’m afraid of crowds and not being good enough.”
quirks - “I don’t have any, only the silly kind do.”
talents - “Everything.”
childhood / teenage / adult voice claim - Wybie Lovat Coraline, Mune Mune: guardian of the moon, Mark Greyson, invincible.Blu ( Jesse Eisenberg)
opinion on spiders - “Great creatures, essential for the ecosystem- but don’t let them come too close.”
opinion on worms - “What cute little lads, they help plants grow.”
opinion on reptiles - “I wonder if they have clans, like us.”
opinion on birds - “Fly high, my friends. How do you do it? I want to fly away.”
problem solving skills - “Only excellent for me, not sure about the rest of them though.”
physical endurance - “We don’t talk about that!.”
mental endurance - “Brilliant.”
hunger games strategy - “Another two-leg thing, is that the game of hunger?”
view of the world - “The world is a fine place, the creatures are great, the cats are alright depending on who we’re talking about. The two legs gotta go though.”
mythology parent ( zeus, apollo, thor, etc )- “I don’t care for myths and legends!”

. other

❒ codewords
I love ice cream but hate sprouts. They dampen my spirits.

❒ roleplay example(s)
Kuni (my other TFC characters) rp project:
JRP in the comments of the application project!
Stoatkit stirred in her nest, her small body trembling with excitement. The dimly lit nursery, with its woven walls of brambles and ferns, felt confining, yet it was the only world she knew. She glanced around, seeing her mother and siblings sleeping soundly. She closed her eyes, trying to quell her impatience and drift back into her dreams of the future.
In her dream, the nursery disappeared, replaced by the vast, open territory of ShadowClan. The pine trees loomed tall and dark, their needles forming a soft, fragrant carpet beneath her paws. She felt older, her pelt strong. She was Stoatpaw now, ready to learn the ways of a warrior.
She padded through the forest, feeling the cool breeze ruffle her fur. She imagined herself following her mentor, watching their every move with intense concentration. The thought of learning to hunt and fight sent thrills down her spine. She crouched low to the ground, pretending to stalk an imaginary mouse. Her muscles tensed as she crept forward, eyes locked on her prey.
With a powerful leap, she pounced, imagining the sensation of her claws sinking into the mouse. She landed softly on the pine-needle carpet, a triumphant smile spreading across her face. She could almost hear her mentor's praise, feel the pride swelling in her chest.
Stoatpaw continued through her dream, patrolling the borders of ShadowClan territory. She imagined herself scent-marking the edges, her nose twitching as she identified the various scents. The importance of knowing and defending her clan's territory filled her with a sense of duty and purpose.
She dreamed of sparring with her denmates, each session making her stronger and more skilled. She pictured herself attending a gathering, listening to the stories of other clans, learning about their ways and the delicate balance of the warrior code. The image of herself standing proudly among her clanmates filled her with determination.
The dream shifted again, and Stoatpaw saw herself standing before the entire clan. Her heart pounded with pride as she imagined the leader's voice ringing out, announcing her new name. “Stoatsilver,” she whispered to herself, savouring the sound. It felt right.
The clan’s cheers echoed in her mind, and she felt a surge of belonging and achievement. She had become a warrior, ready to protect and serve her clan with all her heart. The dream began to fade, but the emotions lingered, leaving her with a sense of purpose and anticipation.
Stoatkit slowly woke up, blinking in the dim light of the nursery. She could still feel the echoes of her dream, the excitement and pride lingering in her chest. She knew that one day, her dream would become a reality. She would become an apprentice, then a warrior, and she would make ShadowClan proud.
With a contented sigh, Stoatkit snuggled closer to her mother and closed her eyes, ready to embrace whatever challenges and adventures awaited her in the days to come.

❒ research
Curled ears: Curled ears affect cats in many ways:
Physical impact
Ear Structure and Health: The curling of the ears is due to a genetic mutation affecting the ear cartilage. This structural difference can make the ears more prone to wax buildup and infections if not cleaned properly. However, the mutation does not generally lead to hearing problems or other significant health issues related to the ears.
Daily Life and Care
Ear Cleaning: Due to the unique shape of their ears, Cats with curled ears may require more attentive ear care. Regular checks and gentle cleaning can help prevent infections and ensure that any potential issues are caught early.
Breeding Considerations
Genetic Considerations: The gene responsible for curled ears is dominant, meaning that if a cat inherits this gene from one parent, it will display the trait. Breeding two American Curls together can produce kittens with curled ears, but it's important to maintain genetic diversity to avoid potential inherited health problems.
Sources: International cat care, webmd, National institute of health
Overgrown fangs:
What Are Overgrown Fangs?
Cats, like humans, have a set of teeth that are meant to last them a lifetime. Sometimes, their canines (the long, pointy teeth) can grow longer than they should. This can happen for a few reasons:
Genetics: Some cats are just born with longer teeth.
Diet: A diet lacking in proper nutrients can affect tooth growth.
Dental Problems: Issues like gum disease or tooth resorption can cause teeth to grow abnormally.
Problems Caused by Overgrown Fangs
Difficulty Eating: Overgrown fangs can make it hard for cats to bite and chew their food properly. This can lead to malnutrition if they can't eat well.
Pain and Discomfort: Long teeth can cause sores or cuts inside the cat’s mouth, which can be really painful.
Infections: If the teeth cause wounds in the mouth, these can get infected. Plus, if the teeth are not aligned properly, it can lead to gum disease and other dental infections.
Behavioral Changes: Cats in pain might become more irritable or withdrawn. They might stop grooming themselves or hide more often.
Tooth Damage: Overgrown fangs are more likely to break, which can be very painful and lead to more serious dental issues.
What Can Be Done?
If you think your cat has overgrown fangs, it's important to visit a vet. Here's what might happen:
Dental Exam: The vet will check your cat’s mouth to see what's going on.
X-rays: Sometimes, the vet will take X-rays to get a better look at the teeth and gums.
Trimming or Extraction: If the fangs are too long, the vet might trim them down. In some cases, they might need to remove a tooth.
Treatment for Underlying Issues: If there's an underlying problem like an infection or gum disease, the vet will treat that too.
Preventing Overgrown Fangs
Regular Check-ups: Regular vet visits can catch dental problems early.
Proper Diet: Feeding your cat a balanced diet helps keep their teeth healthy.
Dental Care: Some cats might benefit from dental treats or even tooth brushing.
American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)
Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine
The Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery

❒ conclusion
To conclude, I’d love to thank everyone who made this application possible. One of my best friends @Glimmeringocean who introduced me to TFC in the first place. @_pxnkroqk for hosting this wonderful litter. This amazing opportunity wouldn’t have been possible without you and your cat hyenahawk. Last but not least, a massive thank you to @Puddleguppies for designing Stoat. This beautiful girl wouldn’t be here without you! I had so much fun writing this application and I really love Stoat. I wish everyone else applying the best of luck and I hope you enjoyed reading my application.

❒ credits
– @.koodingiskool; for the application template
• @._pxnkroqk for hosting the litter
– @.puddleguppies for stoats wonderful design

❒ links
Back to application➢
Back to litter project ➢

Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share (2024)


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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

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Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.